2 min read

Determining the Fair Market Value of S Corporation Stock Issued as a Stock Bonus in a Profit Sharing Plan

As businesses grow and evolve, they often look to incentives and rewards to boost employee performance, promote loyalty and retention, and draw talented professionals to their team. Under the umbrella of these incentives, equity share ownership and profit-sharing plans emerge as powerful tools.

Equity compensation, a form of deferred pay, gives employees an actual ownership stake in the company. By issuing company shares in lieu of, or in addition to a salary, companies can attract highly qualified, experienced professionals, especially for key executive, leadership, and/or mission-critical positions.

On the flip side, we have profit sharing. This isn't tied to an ownership stake in the business, but rather a portion of the company's profits distributed to qualified employees using a company-determined formula.

Now, here's where things get particularly interesting. Profit sharing can be paid in equity - i.e., in the form of company shares. As such, we're going to delve into the specifics of how an S Corporation determines the fair market value of company stock that's issued as a stock bonus in a profit-share plan.

Firstly, it's crucial to understand that equity compensation, in the form of company stock, must deliver value to be attractive. In order for their equity to be valuable, employees need to hold their company stock for a certain period and help achieve business results that increase share prices.

In the case of profit-sharing plans involving company shares, there's another mechanism to consider - an Employee Stock Ownership Plan or ESOP. ESOPs provide a way for owners of privately-held companies to extend beneficial ownership stakes to employees.

The ESOP is a win-win solution, allowing current owners to sell shares of their company stock for full fair market value while offering employees a stake in the company's future success. The fair market value is determined based on a formal appraisal by an independent third party. This appraisal takes into account various financial metrics, including the company's assets, income, cash flows, and market potential.

By allocating the shares among employees, the value alignment between the company and its workforce is solidified. Employees gain a bigger stake in the success of the company and enjoy the benefit of lower capital gains tax rates if they wait to sell their shares.

In conclusion, determining the fair market value of S Corporation stock issued as a stock bonus in a profit-sharing plan can be a complex but worthwhile process. By using mechanisms like ESOPs and fair-market valuations, companies can reward their employees in a meaningful and mutually-beneficial way. As employees gain a larger stake in the company's success, they are likely to feel more motivated and engaged, contributing to the growth and success of the company.