2 min read

Exploring the Potential Negatives of Including Sub-Transfer Agency Fees as Part of 401(k) Plan Costs

As we navigate the intricate world of retirement planning, we run into a barrage of financial jargon that makes it hard to decipher where our hard-earned money is going. One operational cost in particular that baffles many is the inclusion of sub-transfer agency fees in a 401(k) plan. This blog aims to shed light on the potential downsides of this practice.

To begin with, let us understand what sub-transfer agency (Sub-TA) fees are. In the realm of mutual funds that makeup 401(k) retirement plans, you expect to pay for the services you utilize. However, sub-TA fees are those that a mutual fund company pays to another entity to provide services that the fund company initially took fees for. This payment is generally included in a mutual fund's expense ratio.

The challenge here lies in the opacity of these fees. Often folded into the expense ratio, these Sub-TA fees aren't directly visible to the investors. This lack of transparency can lead to confusion and misunderstanding about the total cost of the investment. In fact, an AARP survey in 2007 revealed that a whopping 83% of people did not comprehend the fees they were paying for their retirement plan.

Employers bear the fiduciary responsibility of ensuring that only reasonable fees are charged from plan assets. But when hidden fees such as the sub-TA fees are included, they make it arduous for the employers to uphold this responsibility. Neglect to perform this duty can lead to legal liabilities and deter a secure retirement plan for their employees.

Moreover, the inclusion of sub-TA fees has the potential to inflate the cost of a fund. As a result, employers might inadvertently increase the risk of paying excessive 401(k) plan fees, leading to reduced investment returns. For participants, this means their retirement savings could potentially take a hit, making their golden years financially less secure.

Additionally, these hidden fees arguably affect the competitiveness of 401(k) plans. Buried within the overall costs, sub-TA fees make it challenging to accurately compare the expense ratios of different funds. This could potentially limit choices and impact the overall diversity and balance of the retirement fund.

In a bid to promote transparency and avoid expensive repercussions, many large 401(k) plans are moving away from including such obscure fees. To this end, employers and plan sponsors are urged to avoid providers that charge hidden fees and instead opt for ones that offer full fee transparency.

In conclusion, while sub-TA fees are a standard operating cost in the realm of 401(k) plans, their inclusion can lead to potential confusion, a lack of transparency, and increased costs. As fiduciaries, it's essential for employers to ensure the fee structures are clearly outlined, and retirement plans remain worker-friendly and economically viable. After all, promoting an affordable, secure retirement should be the paramount objective of every 401(k) plan.