2 min read

Minimizing Capital Gains on the Sale of Your Business: Key Steps for Business Owners

Selling a business carries with it significant tax implications and the potential for large capital gains tax bills. Here, we present key strategies that can assist you in minimizing this burden, thereby preserving your wealth for your future goals, be it retirement, business reinvestment, estate planning, charity, or acquisition of another business.

  1. Don’t Immediately Sell - Consider Installing Management

This is an effective strategy for business owners not in a rush to exit. By installing credible management to run the business in your stead, you not only keep enjoying your share of profits but also effectively set the stage for a profitable sale in the future. Other options could include merging with a competitor, hiring an external manager, or leveraging recent MBA graduates seeking hands-on entrepreneurial experience. Drawing a credit line against your business, a move known as a "Dividend Recap," allows you to finance your goals without selling and while keeping the tax bill at bay.

  1. Leverage Opportunity Zones

Opportunity Zones (OZ) offer compelling tax benefits for business owners. The key is in rolling your capital gains into an Opportunity Zone Fund (OZF) within six months of realizing them. OZF investments can comprise real estate or businesses that satisfy specific criteria. Traditional OZ investments come with a 10-year lockup, but an early cash-out option allows you to withdraw a significant portion of your principal within the first years, tax-free, by refinancing the project once stabilized.

  1. Negotiate Structured Sales

Entering into a structurable sale agreement allows the seller to spread realized gains over many years, reducing the annual tax obligation and potentially allowing for smaller portions of the capital gains to be taxed at lower tax brackets.

  1. Utilize Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS) Tax Exemptions

Owners holding C Corporation business stock may qualify for QSBS exemption, which can lead to up to 100% of the gain on the sale of this stock at the exit being tax-free, subject to a cap.

  1. Adopt the Employee Stock Option Plan (ESOP)

This involves selling the stake to the employees. It reduces the taxable gain and provides an exit strategy for the owner.

  1. Pre-Sale Relocation to a Low-Tax State

Moving to a lower-tax jurisdiction before selling your business can provide significant tax savings, especially because many states do not impose tax on long-term capital gains.

  1. Consider a Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT)

CRT is an IRS-approved strategy for reducing or even eliminating capital gains taxes when selling your business. By placing your business in a trust and then selling it, you can avoid a substantial amount of capital gains, with a portion of the sold business's value distributed back to you over time.

Each strategy comes with its advantages and circumstances surrounding its effectiveness. Therefore, consultation with a tax or financial advisor is paramount in choosing the appropriate method depending on your business and personal needs